UK businesses pelted with 530 cyberattacks every second, says BT

Written by Andrew Wooden

UK businesses pelted with 530 cyberattacks every second, says BT

The volume of cyberthreats in the UK is ‘rising at an alarming rate’ according to a report from BT, who has launched a podcast in response.

As well as  the 530 cyberattacks every second, BT also says that 46 million signals of potential cyber-attacks every day are clocked each day around the world.

The industries which soak up the most attacks are IT, defence, banking and insurance – which combined represent 19.7% of malware sightings. The retail, hospitality and education sectors are also apparently at high risk, accounting for 14.9% of malware sightings in the past year.

Meanwhile approximately 785,000 cyber crimes were logged across UK charities in the last year, which BT asserts shows that criminals are going after less ‘traditional’ targets that might not have the highest calibre of security tools in place to fend them off. 61% of businesses in the UK say that keeping up with cyber security measures is becoming increasingly difficult.

Throwing in another metric by which to judge the scale of cyber-aggro, we’re told the average business will have its network scanned and tested by cybercriminals over 3,000 times each day, claims the BT data.

Top known malware strains include Tesla, BatLoader, BlackBasta, DTrack, Emotet, Gootkit, IcedID, Lockbit, njRAT, Qakbot/Qbot, Raccoon Stealer, Raspberry Robin, Redline Stealer, Remcos, SmokeLoader, Ursnif/Gozi, Vidar, Zloader.


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