UKTIN Future Capabilities Report



Building UK capability in telecoms network supply chains: insights, recommendations, and next steps

Telecoms R&D Future Capability Strategic Leadership Forum

The UKTIN Telecoms R&D Future Capability Strategic Leadership (FCSL) Forum was established to support the consolidation of the telecommunication sector community insights collected across various UKTIN Expert Working Groups (EWGs) and assist in the formulation of strategy leading to Mission and Vision oriented value propositions for UK telecommunications future capabilities between now and 2035, and beyond. 

The FCSL consolidates domain knowledge and breaks down subsystem silos and enabling technology areas in the UK; aiming to create a common, sectoral, view of where the UK has capabilities, where it can focus more on growth, and where it should work towards with an impact horizon of 2035, starting from now. 

Scope of this report

This report marks the end of UKTIN Future Capabilities Phase 1 with the following scope:

Section 2: Sets out the context within which the UKTIN will work by summarising the main trends for telecoms networks and services, based on international organisation and industry visions and the views of the EWGs. 

Section 3: A summary of the recommendations of the EWGs for achieving these strategic objectives grouped into common themes.

Section 4: Sets out the scope of the intended second phase of EWG work, which will focus on the future communications R&D&I roadmap and identify technology potential focus areas that will enable the UK to build capability in niches that play to the UK’s strengths and needs, with global market potential.

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