Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Displaying results 529 - 536 of 536

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Nick Johnson appointed the Director of UKTIN

We are delighted to announce Nick Johnson today joins us as the Director of UKTIN. Johnson brings a wealth of telecom experience, and strong engineering and commercial expertise to the UKTIN team.

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Vodafone puts a private 5G network on a computer the size of a credit card

Prototype is built on a Raspberry Pi chipset.

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FONRC: Everything you need to know

Announced in 2022, the Future Open Networks Research Challenge (FONRC) is a £25 million initiative designed to enable universities, large RAN vendors, and other telecoms organisations to conduct collaborative research and development to drive the openness and interoperability of future network architectures.

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Keith Bullock: Future Networks Programme Update

As we edge closer to the end of another fiscal year, Keith Bullock​​—Program Director at DCMS —reflects.

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UKTIN Branding Revealed

We’re delighted to reveal our new branding for the UK Telecoms Innovation Network (UKTIN).

On a global scale, the telecoms sector has entered a new period of flux, buoyed by innovation, commercial drivers and geopolitics. These changing times provide a dynamic and evolving environment, with both challenges and opportunities.

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UKTIN Opens Recruitment for Strategic Groups

UKTIN is excited to announce that recruitment has opened today for three Strategic Groups that will play a critical role in our work to coalesce and align the UK telecoms ecosystem.

Introducing the Strategic Groups

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Vodafone opens UK’s first Edge innovation lab at HOST, MediaCity

The lab is an opportunity to support the growth of digital industries in the Greater Manchester area and create a global centre of excellence for real-time mobile applications.

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Stratospheric Platforms Receives International Investment