5G revenues to jump 32% this year, according to study

Written by Andrew Wooden

5G revenues to jump 32% this year, according to study

The report says that as consumer 5G penetration rates become saturated, it will be ‘imperative’ for operators to launch 5G services geared towards enterprise IoT users – specifically 5G Advanced and 5G RedCap (Reduced Capacity).

The report describes 5G Advanced as ‘a development of the next evolutionary stage of 5G’ and says it will unlock new opportunities for operators and strengthen 5G support for XR, VR and AR applications, while AI and machine learning will be a key to improving network performance.

It says Redcap is “an emerging 5G standard that will leverage 5G network standards to provide high data rates, extended battery life and low latency to specific use cases across the IoT space. Outlined in R17 of the 3GPP specifications, the service will provide operators with a platform to compete with other connectivity technologies outside of the telecommunications ecosystem.” 

Read more on Telecoms.com

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