Global Business Innovation Programme: Exciting Opportunity for Innovative UK Businesses

Future Telecoms – USA, India, Japan

Global Business Innovation Programme

About the Programme

Innovate UK’s Global Business Innovation Programme (GBIP) aims to help ambitious innovative UK businesses to grow and scale on a global stage through building R&D, innovation collaborations and partnerships.

The 9-12 month programme consists of a get ready preparation stage, a five- day tailored innovation visit to connect with key stakeholders and potential partners, and an exploit the opportunity stage to help you maximise the benefits of the programme and to grow and scale your business.

Throughout the whole programme, you will:

  • Have the support of an Innovate UK innovation and growth specialist
  • Explore opportunities and better understand the market.
  • Find potential innovation partners and develop your network.
  • Improve your company value proposition.

    Innovate UK is committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion and encourages people from all backgrounds to apply.

Future Telecoms

Future Telecoms is a key sector for the UK economy and offers exciting and significant growth opportunities for ambitious UK businesses.

The USA, India, and Japan are international markets where opportunities have been identified for UK businesses in the Future Telecoms sector. To capitalise on the opportunities, we have organised three separate GBIPs. You can apply for all three but only attend one if your application is successful.

To find out more about the three GBIP opportunities and understand how they can benefit your business, watch the recording of the briefing session. 

Watch here

Why the USA?

The USA is one of the UK’s closest partners in telecommunications and is home to several world leading industry players. Open and interoperable solutions are at the heart of the US policy, with the government investing $1.5 billion into open RAN development through the 10-year Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation fund.

The areas of focus include:

• Non-terrestrial networking technologies

• 6G preparedness and accelerated research on 6G

• Hypervisors and the telecom cloud 

• Industrial use cases of private 5G /advanced connectivity

• Open RAN and standardisation

Application form can be found here

Why India?

India has the second largest telecommunications network in the world and demonstrates many similarities with the UK telecommunications strategy. Areas of common interest and strength include Open RAN, Non-Terrestrial Communications, Software Defined Networks, the use of AI and secure networks.

The areas of focus include:

• Open RAN hardware with a view to UK supply chain diversification

• 6G preparedness and accelerated research on 6G

• 5G labs - technology and use case specific labs

• Collaboration between industry and academia

Application form can be found here

Why Japan?

Japan is the third largest economy in the world (by GDP) and has one of the highest R&D investment levels (R&D expenditure as a % of GDP), producing some of the largest numbers of scientific publications and patents globally. The UK and Japan have forged close links on telecoms and have signed a working agreement in 2022.

The areas of focus include:

  • Standardisation
  • Advanced wireless / optical communications
  • Open RAN with a view to UK supply chain diversification
  • 6G preparedness and accelerated research on 6G
  • AI and Cybersecurity

Application form can be found here

More information about this programme can be found by following the link below.

Global Business Innovation Programme

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