Introducing the (RAN) Intelligent Controller (RIC) Application (App) Forum

RIC Forum

NTIA/ITS, in collaboration with U.S. Department of Defense FutureG & 5G Office, is pleased to announce the (RAN) Intelligent Controller (RIC) Application (App) Forum, an event designed to showcase the current state of the open RAN RIC App market.

The RIC Forum will be held from March 27–28, 2024, in Dallas–Fort Worth, Texas. NTIA/ITS will accept up to ten proposals from open RAN vendors and universities to demonstrate their Apps addressing either or both of the following O-RAN ALLIANCE Working Group 1 (WG1) use cases:

  • Energy saving
  • Traffic steering
  • NTIA/ITS will consider “wild card” App use cases at its discretion. Wild card App use cases must be deemed viable, compelling, and applicable to the goals of the RIC Forum.

Event information, including application process, App use cases, and event schedule and logistics, is available at

Any vendors and universities with Open RAN RIC Apps that meet these DoD and enterprise use cases are encouraged to apply.  

An informational webinar will be held in August 2023. To sign up, or to submit any questions, email

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