IoT Connectivity Management Platforms are in a period of transition

Written by Matt Hatton for

IoT Connectivity Management Platforms are in a period of transition.

Transforma Insights has identified a series of aspects of the Internet of Things that are going through a period of fundamental transformation. These IoT ‘Transition Topics’ are the subject of a series of reports identifying the key aspects of change and how organisations should position themselves to be best placed to realise the opportunities generated. One of those topics, the subject of a recent Position Paper and Virtual Briefing (details below) is focused on the Connectivity Management Platform (CMP). In this blog post we provide a summary of some of the key talking points from the report.

A period of transition

The CMP is one of the key underlying pieces of middleware used by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), and even some enterprises wishing to act as their own operator, to manage connections, handling activation/ deactivation, billing, analytics, reporting and various other functions.

If we look back 3-5 years the Connectivity Management Platform (CMP) space was relatively stable. The functionality included within CMPs was well-established with not too much evolution, and the market landscape was well defined, being dominated by two large players. The focus of the users of CMPs, predominantly Mobile Network Operators, was not generally very focused on the CMP space, and vendors of such solutions were mostly interested in incremental refinements to the service offering.

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