Samsung bolsters its on-device AI smarts with Oxford Semantic acquisition


With AI-enhanced devices increasingly finding their way into consumers' pockets, Samsung is keen to gain an edge over its rivals.

To that end, the Korean electronics giant has just shelled out an undisclosed sum for Oxford Semantic Technologies, a UK-based startup that specialises in knowledge graph technology.

Samsung explains that knowledge graph is a means of storing information as an interconnected web of related ideas and process data in a similar way to how humans acquire, remember, recall and reason over knowledge.

Samsung says it can be used to give its devices and inherent understanding of how people interact with its products and services, paving the way for rapid information retrieval and extremely-relevant recommendations. Samsung said it considers knowledge graph one of the key technologies for implementing more sophisticated and personalised AI solutions.

However, as with most things AI, knowledge graphs aren't straightforward. Samsung says it is challenging to implement due to the complex computations involved with channelling vast quantities of real-world data into a knowledge graph and then actually utilising it.

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