Call for Information...

on the uses and security of Private Telecommunications Networks within the UK

uses and security of Private Telecommunications Networks


Since the development of modern telecommunications there has been a need for networks that provide communications services for customers with specific industrial requirements. Private telecoms networks can be better suited than the public network at meeting such requirements, including improved reliability, security, and higher bandwidth.

Use this online survey to respond to the call for information

Private telecoms networks based on 3G, 4G, and legacy technologies are already in use in many sectors across the UK. The deployment of standalone and advanced 5G [footnote 1] is likely to lead to further growth in the market for private telecoms networks as organisations aim to take advantage of the high reliability, low latency, and high capacity offered by this latest generation of communications technologies. As set out in the government’s Wireless Infrastructure Strategy, 5G has the potential to enable mission-critical services and underpin technologies that can bring significant economic benefits. [footnote 2]

The market for private telecoms networks is different to the public networks market. The fact that private telecoms networks are procured to fulfil specific business needs, and to offer customised connectivity means there is an important role for smaller specialist vendors, as well as large technology companies, including hyperscalers. The lower barriers to entry of the private telecoms networks market create opportunities for new providers and different models of provision, involving a wider range of companies such as system integrators.

It is important to understand the implications of the increasing use of private telecoms networks. For example, if businesses providing services critical to the UK become increasingly reliant on such networks, damage or disruption to those networks could have significant impacts on the users of critical services. Therefore, risks associated with such private telecoms networks must be appropriately managed. This includes protecting them against external threats as well as ensuring they are resilient to accidents, system outages and natural hazards now and in the future.

This call for information is intended to help the government obtain further information and views on the use, security and resilience of private telecoms networks. Anyone can respond to the call for information. However, we are particularly interested to hear from those involved in the development and provision of such networks, and the organisations that currently use them, or plan to use them in the future.

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) will use the responses to help determine whether specific government intervention is needed to promote the security and resilience of private telecoms networks.

How to respond

We would welcome information and views on the use, security and resilience of private telecoms networks in the UK. The specific questions for which we are seeking answers through this call for information are set out in Sections 1-4 below.

Please use this online survey wherever possible to respond to the call for information, as this will help us to analyse the responses.

Alternatively, you can submit your response to the call for information by emailing it to

Hard copy responses can be sent to:

Telecoms Security Policy Team
Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
100 Parliament Street

The information and views you provide will be considered in shaping future policy development and may be shared between UK government departments and agencies for this purpose. Personal information will be removed in such instances. Copies of responses, in full or in summary, may be published after the call for information closing date on the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology’s website. If you wish for part of your response to remain confidential, please identify the part and state the reason.

You may find it helpful to have the call for information document open in another window, so that you can easily refer back to it while answering the survey. This survey will automatically take you to questions relevant to you based on your previous answers.

Once started, you are able to return to complete the survey on the same device at any time before the survey closes. When you are ready to submit your response, please follow the survey instructions. Once submitted, you will no longer have access to your response. Please note that you will only be able to complete the survey once.

All responses should be submitted in advance of the closing date for this call for information, which is 11:45pm on Wednesday 13 September 2023.

If you have any questions or comments please email

Online Survey

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