Nokia launches Network as Code platform

Written by Nokia

Nokia launches Network as Code platform

Nokia launches Network as Code platform to accelerate network programmability and monetization.

  • Nokia Network as Code platform and developer portal provides simplified network capabilities to developers as software code that can be easily integrated into applications
  • Network as Code platform reflects a strategic focus of Nokia to drive new business models and to unlock the potential that networks can deliver from the perspective of  innovation, sustainability, collaboration, and productivity
  • Nokia and DISH Wireless have agreed to a memorandum of understanding to partner on an ecosystem project using Nokia’s Network as Code platform and the DISH 5G cloud-native network

Nokia has introduced its Network as Code platform and developer portal that enables application developers and communication service providers (CSPs) to accelerate the work of producing software applications for new enterprise, industrial, and consumer use cases, and monetizing 5G and 4G network assets beyond basic connectivity.

5G-era networks are fundamentally software-based, a step change from how networks were designed years ago. This means they are also programmable through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and other software development tools; all of which provide access to deep functionality and data within networks and allow application developers to build new use cases and capabilities for their customers.

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