TRAI weighs up India’s Terahertz prospects

  • The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has been looking at the potential use of Terahertz (THz) spectrum bands
  • It is recommending that such spectrum should be made available now for ‘experimentation’ 
  • The technology needed for THz transmission might be ready for the 6G era 

India might still only be in the initial throes of its love affair with 5G, but that isn’t stopping the country’s ambitious administration looking ahead at how the next generation of wireless services might be developed and delivered. 

Like many agencies around the world, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has decided it’s time to tackle the next spectrum frontier – the Teraherz (THz) block sitting above today’s telecom-usable 3 Hz–100 GHz band, but below the 3 THz point where radio spectrum turns into infrared light and lasers come out to play.

According to India’s regulator, this vast but currently relatively inaccessible chunk of spectral real estate may not be viable right now, but the supporting technology is in development, with India’s telecom regulator calculating that TeraHertz transmission may even be developed in time to play a role in the 6G era.

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